Visionary eBooks Collection Launched by Simpatico Books
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Visionary eBooks Collection Launched by Simpatico Books


Visionary eBooks Collection Launched by Simpatico Books

Published on June 26, 2024
 at 03:06 EDT
Source: Pinion Newswire

Simpatico Books, a publisher of original artistic literature, has announced the launch of its latest collection of ebooks. The collection of 35 ebooks is authored by the company founder, New York City artist Eloy, and blends original narratives with visual art focused on an array of themes, encompassing societal issues, environmental activism, and personal insights.

Part of the collection is composed of art books, which are between 20-25 pages and explore the environment, social issues, life in NYC, and more. The Broken Skyline series, for instance, uses a simple garbage bag motif to spotlight environmentalism. While stories such as Sunoco Loves McDonalds deal with complex relationships and We Live Inside Maps Part 1 & 2 offer a vivid depiction of the 2008 housing bubble crash. Another part of the collection features short story books that explore personal and societal issues.

“I feel that launching this collection has the potential to significantly contribute to society and Simpatico Books’ growth as a company in several ways,” Eloy states. “First, we can target a niche audience of art enthusiasts and readers seeking very different literary experiences. This can set Simpatico Books apart in the crowded ebook marketplace and draw a dedicated and passionate reader base.”

Simpatico Books is looking to establish a distinctive brand identity through the art books’ uniqueness. The collection is set to provide new revenue streams while the company explores other monetization avenues, such as limited edition prints, merchandise, digital format merchandise, and future collaborations with other artists or institutions.

“I also feel that this collection’s unusual, outside-of-the-box nature and the digital format allows Simpatico Books to reach a global audience,” says Eloy. “We can penetrate markets beyond our physical location, including regions with high interest in art and unique literature. I hope that the integration of compelling narratives and original artwork will foster stronger customer engagement, boost customer loyalty, and get more people talking about it.”

Simpatico Books has noted this collection as the culmination of the creator’s creative journey and the representation of his primary artistic passions, which are painting, drawing, and writing. These new books are an exploration of the world through art and storytelling. Ebooks are my preferred new medium. Through my artbooks, storybooks, and NYC Stain Photography, I aim to foster conversations about important issues and inspire others to see beauty in the ordinary.”